How Sci-Fi Shaped the Past, and Shapes the Future

"Anything one man can imagine, another man can make real..." Science fiction has quite a lot to do with the way we live now, having directly driven much scientific and technological progress around the world for at least the last 150 years. One might ask how or why, and the answer is very simple: sci-fi …

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Monday at the Museum: 14 X-planes at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The "X" classification in research and development simply marks an invention's current use as "experimental." Some such inventions make it beyond that stage; the majority of those that follow did not. Whatever their contributions to aeronautics in the United States, these X-planes can be appreciated for their interesting designs. 1. The Avrocar Actually Canadian in …

Continue reading Monday at the Museum: 14 X-planes at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

On the Radar: NASA’s Infamous “Gimbal Rig”

This image shows NASA's Gimbal Rig in motion. NASA used this device to test Mercury astronauts' ability to recover from disorientation that resulted from up to 30 RPM in simultaneous roll, pitch, and yaw. The astronauts had to reset their mock instruments after--and sometimes during--the exercise to prove they could control the craft in tumble …

Continue reading On the Radar: NASA’s Infamous “Gimbal Rig”